In a DLA workshop we learned that within a relatively small radius around Columbus, OH, the government (DOD, mainly) buys several billion dollars annually from only a small number of companies. Clearly there are very many small manufacturing companies who are not suppliers to the government, and many do not even compete. This is an area in need of improvement in our view, and we believe we can help.
If you are a prime contractor you may have some supplier targets for small companies, minority/woman owned, DAV’s, Hub Zones, and perhaps others. In general, it appears targets for these categories are not being met.
Why is this? The government purchasing system is completely different from the “civilian” system, and small businesses find it difficult to provide the necessary resources to master direct contract competition. Another reason is a lack of marketing to the prime contractor community. And, frankly, many large companies have complicated “signup” procedures that discourage small companies.
However, there’s no reason we can’t be helpful if you wish to improve your results meeting supplier targets. Our network includes a number of companies with ISO/AS certification, ITAR, MBE, Service Disabled Vet ownership and even Hub Zones. Many of these companies have some experience with government contracting, mostly as a sub to the prime contractors. Go here to see most of the capabilities of these companies.
We may be able to provide a credible source that can both do the work and help you satisfy these requirements. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you. Just give us a call at (513) 489-5252.