by Charlie Harte

Tell us what you need manufactured.  Then---

We give you recommendations for manufacturing suppliers.  

Here’s how you benefit:

  1. 1)  To satisfy your requirements we access a very diverse network of suppliers of most kinds of manufacturing.  All these companies have a long history of on-time delivery of built-to-spec parts.
  2. You get our recommendations FAST; usually within a day or two.  Sometimes we can offer multiple candidates! 
  3. You have no obligation whatsoever (this means no cost unless you buy something) 
  4. At a minimum you get a company suggestion to add to your own candidates.  You choose whichever is the best fit.
  5. What’s to lose?  You save time and may get a winner!

FYI here’s just one example

Make sense?  Whenever you are ready just contact us and you’ll get a speedy recommendation.

About the author 

Charlie Harte

I’ve built this business based upon my 30+ years in manufacturing sourcing and productivity improvements, where I’ve developed strong relationships with a network of local and global suppliers who’ve demonstrated on-time delivery, parts built to spec, excellent service and value. This means HAPPY CUSTOMERS!
